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A Healthy Body Makes for a Healthy Mind

Lifestyle / 31 May 2018

Success in life isn’t all about money. There is not a great deal of point in being wealthy if we are unable to enjoy our lives to the full due to illness, or through being generally unfit. Looking and feeling good is the key to capitalizing on the freedom we get from being successful in business and in life.

Break Yourself in Gently

We are never too old to exercise but unless you are young, lively and raring to go it is seldom a good idea to go for broke from the off either. Instead a more sensible initiation into a new and more healthy lifestyle might involve just a few tweaks to the routine you already follow. For instance, try getting off the bus a stop before your final destination and walking from there. Or replace some of the foods you already eat with low-fat and low-sugar variants of the same. Every little helps, and you might be surprised by the difference it makes to how you look and feel within just a relatively short space of time.

Don’t Neglect Your Sleep

One of the key factors in maintaining a healthy lifestyle is sleep. When you exercise you exert muscles which then need to recover, which can only be achieved through getting sufficient rest. Proper sleep is every bit as integral to your fitness regime as diet and physical exertion – and it is the bit that requires the least effort!

Set Yourself Realistic Goals

There’s little that is more demoralizing than working flat out to achieve a fitness goal only to fall short of your target. But it could be your target, rather than your efforts, that is wrong. Keep your objectives realistic and change them for something more ambitious only once you have reached them.

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